IT Infrastructure management

Lifecycle services

Microland Advisory and Implementation Services help clients across the globe reimagine Service Management processes, optimize ITSM and related tools, and create compelling NextGen experiences for their employees and support engineers — wherever they may be. Microland guides each client in defining their unique journey to domain maturity.

Workflow Enhancement and Integration: Microland’s core approach to optimal workflow adoption is to ensure all tactics deliver a cohesive story about value creation. First, we assess business requirements. Then, to ensure optimal relevance, we identify and deploy workflow solutions, reports, and forms that best align with business needs. Management nirvana is achieved by consolidating the tools that monitor and manage IT assets and then integrating them into the ITSM platform. Equally important is a reliable and intuitive self-service experience of employees via optimization and customization of service portals, service catalog and mobile apps. Case exchange and E-Bonding services ensure bidirectional bonding between ITSM instances so client data remains synchronized
for common understanding of business realities and outcomes that are productionized to ensure optimized ongoing success.

Domain Expertise: Specialized capabilities have been grouped into domains for better understanding of the depth and scope of their underlying frameworks, methods and standards. Also to better understand how these individual domains integrate into a much larger whole; IT Service Management. More importantly to organize the knowledge about dependencies within and among all other service management domains.