UK Modern Slavery Act Statement
This Statement is made by Microland Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Microland”) in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 legislation in the United Kingdom, for the financial year ending 31st March 2024 and sets out the steps Microland has taken, during its financial year to ensure that slavery or human trafficking is not taking place in its supply chain globally.
Incorporated in 1989 and headquartered in Bengaluru, India, Microland has more than 4,500 digital specialists across offices and delivery centers in Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, and North America. Microland's delivery of digital services allows technology to do more and intrude less. We make it easier for enterprises to adopt nextGen Digital infrastructure. We enable this using our expertise in Cloud & Data Centers, Networks, Digital Workplace, Cybersecurity and Industrial IoT, ensuring the embrace of brilliance is predictable, reliable, and stable.
Microland has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of Modern Slavery. We are committed to treat everyone fairly and equally, creating a workplace and business environment that is open, transparent, and trusted. Our policies and procedures relating to prevention of Modern Slavery are drafted in accordance with our culture, values and which further complies with the applicable Modern Slavery Legislations.
At Microland, we acknowledge our responsibility and are committed to identifying and minimizing the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring within our supply chains and in all areas of our business.
Our various policies including the code of conduct which are listed below is a clear communication of our message and expectations to all those who have or seek to have a business relationship with Microland:
MODERN SLAVERY ACT POLICY - This policy sets out Microland’s position on Modern Slavery in consistence with the legislations. We continue to identify ways to improve employee and supplier awareness of our commitment to respect human rights and efforts to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking.
RECRUITMENT POLICY - We operate under a robust recruitment policy, including conducting checks for eligibility to work in the applicable geography and checks for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will.
CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT AND ETHICS – The code provides that all employees should be treated with respect, and, more specifically, it states that Microland is committed to adhering to applicable employment laws, including those relating to child labor, wages, hours and working conditions. We have mechanism for our employees to ask questions or report concerns about possible violations of the Code, Company policies, and laws. This would include any questions or concerns relating to slavery or human trafficking. Microland’s whistleblowing policy provides a grievance redressal mechanism to encourage reporting of concerns/violations of its Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, policies, and laws without fear of retaliation.
SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT - Microland’s supplier have to ensure compliance to Microland’s Supplier Code of Conduct.
STEPS TO ASSESS AND MANAGE RISKS - The Risk & Compliance, Legal, Human Resources and the Global Procurement functions are responsible for ensuring compliance across the organization with the provisions of the Modern Slavery legislations and other human rights requirements as applicable. They also periodically review risks associated with the Supply chain.
TRAINING - We are implementing regular training programs to create awareness on modern slavery and human trafficking for the employees responsible for Supply Chain management.
MICROLAND’S EFFECTIVENESS IN ELIMINATING MODERN SLAVERY - The measures above are effective in ensuring our compliance to the requirements of the Modern Slavery Legislations.
This statement was approved by the Board of Microland Limited on July 19, 2024.
Pradeep Kar
Chairman and Managing Director